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Questions & Answers
Are handmade soaps better better than commercial soaps?
Yes, our soaps are comprised of skin loving quality ingredients rather than detergents, lathering agents and synthetic ingredients.
Why buy handmade soap?
Handmade soap naturally retains all the moisturizing properties with natural glycerin instead of the use of synthetics. These Skin-nourishing ingredients, create a superior bar of soap full of moisturizing, natural oils, and natural glycerin.
Why are handmade soaps more expensive?
Oils are the main ingredient to making soap and the quality of our oils is food grade which means they are the best of the best. In particular, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, sustainably sourced Palm, Sweet Almond Oil, and Caster Oilare the main ingredients in each of our bars and are more expensive than the average soap grade products normally used.
How long does handmade soap last?
Generally speaking, if left undisturbed, soap remains soap for years. However, the technical "best if used by" date for handmade soaps is 2 to 3 years if properly kept. This does vary depending on the ingredients used. If for some reason your soap does go bad, the odor and appearance of rancid soap is unmistakable so you will know.
Why use wax melts?
Unlike a candle, the wax in a wax melt doesn't disappear as you use it. Also, wax melts are generally less expensive than candles because they waste less fragrance/wax and burn for almost 5 times longer.
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